Sunday, April 3, 2016

Ancestors #6 & #7 - Rafael Trejo (1827-1886) & Ramona Soto (1827-???) - 3rd Great Grandparents

Luckily, I easily found Rafael Trejo & Ramona Soto’s marriage record, unfortunately, it didn’t list the names of their parents.  I found the names of their parents in their marriage informational record, but it was very difficult to read because the ink from the opposite page bled through the paper and the penmanship was poor.  It also contained transcription errors.  I was frustrated to say the least.  His parents were Jose Maria Trejo and Maria Eugenia Flores.  Ramona’s parents are listed as Jose de la cruz Soto and Maria Juana Lara.  

Rafael Trejo y Ramona Soto 1847

Rafael Trejo y Ramona Soto - Marriage Informational

He was from el Encinal, which I at first had no clue where it was located.  It wasn't even listed in the following atlas, which lists all the municipalities, congregations, haciendas, and ranchos in Mexico.

1896 Tarimoro

Diccionario geográfico, histórico y biográfico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos,Volume 5.  Antonio García Cubas, 1896 - Mexico.

The website below doesn't show it as well.

I eventually found the community using google maps street view.  It is currently a very small settlement, I don't even think its considered a rancho.  I wonder what brought them to live in such a small community. 

Rafael Trejo Baptism

Jose Rafael Hilario was baptized on October 12, 1827.  His record lies within the San Bartolome Church in Rincon De Tamayo.  He was born on October 8, 1827 in Talicoya (Taliscolla), which was likely considered part of Tarimoro but not likely under the Salvatierra parish.   As shown on the map below, Rincon de Tamayo is closer to Taliscoya than Tarimoro.  I'm sure of is if he was baptized in the church or closer to home. 

Jose Rafael Baptism 1827 - Mexico
Google Map of Tarimoro

In the 1883 padron of the Tarimoro, Rafael lived with his son, Pedro, in Puerto de Barajas.  His wife, Ramona, is not listed in the padron.

Rafael received his final sacraments on August 9, 1886.  He lived in la Nopalera at the time of his death, a community within the municipal boundaries of Tarimoro. He died at the age of 58 years.  He is listed as a widower, but his spouse is not listed.

Rafael Trejo Death Record

Ramona Soto

Ramona Soto's MI list her as being from el talon or tafon del partied, which I still can't find on any map.

She was baptized on June 24, 1827, in Tarimoro, but the record is under the Salvatierra parish.  She is listed as a mestiza from Huapango.  

Ramona Soto Baptism Record

I have been unable to locate her death record.

Rafael Trejo

"México, Guanajuato, registros parroquiales, 1519-1984," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 March 2016), Rincón de Tamayo > San Bartolomé > Bautismos 1810-1832 > image 315 of 397; parroquias Católicas, Guanajuato (Catholic Church parishes, Guanajuato).

"México, Guanajuato, registros parroquiales, 1519-1984," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 March 2016), Salvatierra > Salvatierra > Matrimonios 1839-1854 > image 251 of 607; parroquias Católicas, Guanajuato (Catholic Church parishes, Guanajuato).

"México, Guanajuato, registros parroquiales, 1519-1984," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 March 2016), Tarimoro > San Miguel Arcángel > Defunciones 1878-1886 > image 459 of 482; parroquias Católicas, Guanajuato (Catholic Church parishes, Guanajuato).

Ramona Soto


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